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Work With The Best Solar Company In Arizona

When it comes to solar energy, Arizona is undeniably one of the leading states, boasting some of the top solar incentives in the country. With the Arizona State Residential Solar Tax Credit homeowners are able to qualify for a tax credit of 25% off the solar system. This tax credit does however max out at $1,000. The next state incentive homeowners can be eligible for is the Energy Equipment Property Tax Exemption. Given that the proper steps are taken on the homeowners end, the value added to your property from installing rooftop solar panels can be exempt from property taxes. On top of all of the other Arizona solar incentives the sales tax in some cases can be waived. But state incentives aren’t the only way to reduce the price of solar systems. The federal government as of 2023 has passed a bill reducing the total price of residential solar systems by 30% until 2030. The biggest hurdle for most homeowners is understanding the financials for going solar. It is much more economical than you might think. For a detailed breakdown to see how much you could save speak with one of our incentives experts!

Here's THREE good reasons:

It goes without saying that the sun is what makes installing solar panels in Arizona very appealing. Arizona is one of the sunniest states in the country, but all that sun actually creates a unique problem for solar panels which is heat. Solar panels, like any electric device, can suffer from productivity problems in hot weather. Why say all of this? Well Infinity Solar USA has always prioritized the quality of our solar equipment. With our strategic partnerships with Silfab we are sure to provide solar panels that are built to perform in all climates.

The Time is NOW

As the best solar company in Arizona we understand energy prices can be difficult to keep up with. Energy prices have continued to rise while your consumption stays relatively the same. Switching to solar helps homeowners own their energy, and can even lead to income if the solar system produces more than consumed!


The switch to solar can be full of unknowns, and as the best solar company in Arizona we understand that. Our team of entirely in house solar installation experts are here to help you make your choice to go solar as informed as possible. To see if solar is the right choice for you, speak with one of our solar incentives experts and get a personalized quote.


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There has never been a better time to go solar. Submit this form to find out if solar is a good decision for you and your family.